BookArtArea, the educational initiative of Angels and Muse, is pleased to invite applications for a free writing masterclass with Ayobami Adebayo, Teju Cole and Emmanuel Iduma, from August 5 to August 9, 2019. The workshop will be concluded with a public reading on August 9 of work by the participants, followed by a discussion with the facilitators.
Over five intensive days, 10 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday, a small number of intermediate or advanced writers will have the opportunity to work on their prose with these noted writers, through assigned readings, in-class writing exercises, and take-home assignments.
Applicants are required to submit a sample of their published work and to make a brief statement about their literary interests and influences. We are interested in both fiction and non-fiction, from focused and disciplined writers who are thinking about form but also about ethical questions: witness, kinship, hospitality. Of special interest to the facilitators is the way the visual arts interact with literature, so aspiring art critics are especially encouraged to apply.
This workshop is for writers who have been published, whether online or in print. Please note that we will not accept self-published work in personal blogs or on social media. This is not a workshop for beginning writers, but for those already at a certain level of accomplishment looking to hone their craft. Ten participants will be selected. All the participants must commit to the full five-day duration of the workshop.
To apply, kindly complete the form below. Applications must be received by July 9. For any questions, please email info@bookartareaafrica.org.
About the sponsor:
BookArtArea is a thought laboratory founded by acclaimed artist and writer Victor Ehikhamenor. BookArtArea is the nonprofit component of Angels and Muse, and it seeks to facilitate cross-disciplinary conversations on art, literature, and culture, providing a platform for deep and wide inquiry. Our aim is to enchant and enlighten by drawing from traditions of intellectual honesty, curiosity, and generosity. To learn more, visit bookartareaafrica.org.
With support from Goethe-Institut, Lagos
About the workshop facilitators:
Ayobami Adebayo, fiction editor of Saraba Magazine, is the author of Stay With Me which was shortlisted for the 9mobile Prize for Literature and the Baileys Prize for Women’s Fiction, and translated into more than a dozen languages.
Teju Cole,is a writer, photographer, and the author of several books, including Open City and Known and Strange Things. He is currently a professor of creative writing at Harvard.
Emmanuel Iduma, co-founder of Saraba Magazine, and associate curator of the first Nigerian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, is the author most recently of A Stranger’s Pose. He teaches at the School of Visual Arts in New York City.